The common facts of today, are the product of yesterday’s research.
Recent & On-Going Projects
AV Readiness, Infrastructure Funding and Timing Challenges and Solutions—Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2020–Present
Dr. Carlson is the co-PI on this project, which aims to quantify the funding impacts of a DOT making systemic changes (in design and/or maintenance) to any physical infrastructure element, with a focus on pavement markings. The research includes assessing the cost-effectiveness of making these changes in relation to changing AV use rates. Additionally, the research also covers funding issues and opportunities as they pertain to asset management. For instance, the research examines how new standards and practices, if adopted, can be leveraged such that cost savings are directed toward infrastructure readiness for other assets.
Impact of CAV Technology on State DOT Maintenance Programs—National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 14-42, 2019–Present
Dr. Carlson is a SME on this research project, providing the prime access to the infrastructure industry sector to help meet the project objectives. The objectives of this research are to (1) estimate the current and future effect of CAV technologies on roadway and Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) asset maintenance programs; (2) develop guidance on existing and proposed measurable standards associated with roadway and TSMO asset maintenance for preventive, reactive, and emerging maintenance needs; and (3) identify the associated resource and workforce development needs.
Safety Countermeasure Optimization for CAVs—FHWA, 2020–Present
The objective of this research is to review current proven safety countermeasures for their potential safety performance effectiveness as CAVs become more prevalent in the driving environment.
CAV Technical Assistance for Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Rulemaking Activities—FHWA, 2021–Present
Dr. Carlson is a SME on this project, which is designed to assist the FHWA MUTCD team with developing a strategy to address CAV needs related to traffic control device (TCD) infrastructure. The project has been awarded but has not yet started.
CAV Technologies: Insights for Codes and Standards in Canada—CSA Group, 2018–2020
Dr. Carlson served as the physical infrastructure SME advisor for this work, where key stakeholder interviews were conducted with representatives from public sector agencies, academia, private organizations, and members on standards committees to gather their input and perspectives on the needs and perceived gaps within codes and standards. These results were reconciled with industry research and a literature review to complete a comprehensive analysis of the codes and standards landscape.
Impacts of AVs on Highway Infrastructure—FHWA, 2018–2020
This study identified the state of the practice among infrastructure owner-operators, gaps in knowledge, and agency preparedness levels regarding the impacts of AV use on highway infrastructure. Several aspects of roadway infrastructure were considered, including the quality and uniformity of TCDs, the changing demands of intelligent transportation systems, the structural requirements for pavements and bridges, the effects on multimodal infrastructure (e.g., bike lanes, Complete Streets designs), and the potential need for other roadside infrastructure (e.g., guardrails and communications systems for roadway digital infrastructure).
CAV Technologies: Insights for Codes and Standards in Canada—CSA Group, 2018–2020
Carlson was the PI for this project, which identified, reviewed, and synthesized available, including ongoing, research that included information related to how TCD enhancements could support AV deployment.